He lived his life intensely, creatively and generously for 35 years. You are invited to share your love for Brandon via videos, pics and thoughts. Please consider uploading your photos, images and videos and add how Brandon makes you feel as often as you like onto the ideas raised on this site!
Celebrate the Life and Times of Brandon Gletzer
The memorial celebration for Brandon Gletzer will be both in person and via Zoom.
We invite friends and family to join us: Sunday May 28, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
PlantLush 1324 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, CA 95125
We will be streaming the event on Zoom for those who cannot make it in person.
Details and passcode for the online stream:
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 5202 5066
Passcode: Brandon